A servant leader Driven with a spirit of Excellence

Rev. Dr. Catina Jackson

Gospel Preacher |Prophetic Activist | Community Leader | Inspirational Coach & Mentor | Trainer & Public Speaker
ReV. Dr. Catina JAckson

WHat is joy ministries?

Joy Ministries is established to provide joy for your journey. Joy Ministries stands for Jesus Over You! Jesus promised that the Joy of The Lord is your strength. This ministry will journey with you and share practical wisdom and tangible ways to walk in holiness with the joy of The Lord. 
Rev. Dr. Catina Jackson


Rev. Jackson travels the country doing what God has called her to do, reach the people.
Rev. dr. catina jackson

sermon archives

Any previous speaking or preaching engagements that Rev. Dr. Catina Joy Blackmon Jackson has had can be found on her YouTube page!